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  • How to Barter in SHTF Scenarios: Essential Items and Skills

    How to Barter in SHTF Scenarios: Essential Items and Skills0

    In a world of uncertainty and potential disaster, being prepared is not merely a luxury but a necessity. The concept of SHTF has become a popular term among preppers and survivalists, representing a scenario where society faces a catastrophic event or collapse. In such situations, the conventional means of commerce and exchange may cease to

  • Top Reasons To Buy Silver For SHTF

    Top Reasons To Buy Silver For SHTF2

    When the end of the world strikes, everything as we know it will be turned upside down, including the economy. But for the most part the world only knows a capitalist approach, and will have to find a new form of currency, and our eyes should turn to precious metals like silver and gold for

  • Why You Should Get Out Of Debt Before SHTF

    Why You Should Get Out Of Debt Before SHTF0

    When SHTF, you’re reliant on your own autonomy and freedom, because others will use anything you owe to their advantage, so you should always aim to get out of debt before SHTF. The term ‘prepper’ tells you everything you need to know – prepare yourself for the worst. That doesn’t just mean stockpiling food and