Weekly News Roundup 27/08/23
- News
- August 27, 2023
The first step in prepping for a terrorist attack is to know exactly what one is! In short, a terrorist attack is an attack by an enemy that wants to put an end to the western way of life. They are often perpetrated by religious or political extremists and are designed to create a culture of fear that stops people from being able to live their life in the way that they had planned. Terrorist attacks are seen as the most cowardly form of warfare as the enemy hides in the shadows, waiting for a moment to enact their violent goals.
It’s also important to note that most terrorist attacks are fuelled by the desire to cause the most destruction and chaos possible with their attacks. They can work alone, but more often than not, a terrorist is part of a cell of terrorists that plot together and work on plans that will damage iconic monuments and cause as many civilian casualties as possible.
The reason that terrorism is so hard for governments to stop is that it is not an open warfare in which we can see our enemy. Terrorists hide behind political parties, ideologies and religious institutions, leaving people confused about who and what they can trust. A terrorist’s work is done when they are successful in turning groups of people against each other and leaving people feeling vulnerable in their own homes.
The war on terror still wages across the world and with historical incidents in cities like London, New York and Manchester, many people are worried about survival and preparing for events that may come in the future. It’s true that most governments disavow terrorist attacks, yet they still struggle to clamp down on the insidious plots and locate the ring leaders that threaten our way of life.
As a prepper, being ready for all eventualities is hugely important, especially when you have family and friends to care for. However, rather than becoming obsessed with the worry of potential threats, it’s wise to divert your energy into finding ways to get ready for anything so that you can get going the minute you know something is going on.
In this survival guide, we will share all we know about potential terrorist attacks and share a wealth of survival tips for any British prepper that wants to get a head start on being ready for all eventualities. Take your time to read through this information and then start prepping with a purpose – you’ll be glad you did!
Despite the current media opinions, there are a number of different types of terrorists that are not all fuelled by religion. Some of the most well-known terrorists include:
With so many terrorist attacks going on around the world, it is easy to get lost in them all. However, there are some that have caused mass destruction and damage to countries and we’ve listed the top deadly terror attacks ever below for you to read about:
While these three attacks form part of the top deadly attacks ever, there have been many other attacks across the globe, causing the death of innocent people and destruction.
The use of a bioweapon is one of the most concerning threats in modern times, with many extremists threatening to start biological warfare to make their point known and to cause bioterror in civilians. In reality, there are plenty of biological weapons that terrorists could use, with some of the most threatened including:
However, the most deadly bioweapon around to date is Anthrax, a type of bacteria that not only poses a deadly risk to human beings but can also kill animals and plants, destroying entire areas and spreading easily from person to person.
Anthrax attacks have happened in the past in both the UK and the USA, as well as in other parts of the world. In Britain, Anthrax has never been used on a wide scale but it has been sent inside letters that have been addressed to senior UK political figures. Luckily, with the checking processes in place, the Anthrax that was posted never managed to cause deadly harm or spread to others.
Sadly, people have lost their lives due to an Anthrax attack in the USA back in 2001, causing widespread bioterror in many countries. Letters were sent to officials as well as media personalities and infected people who later became very ill, with five deaths. This attack made the international headlines and prompted countries to agree on a plan to prepare for future attacks as well as working on ways to reduce production and supply channels that criminals were using.
Yes! Britain has strict policies on both biological and chemical attack, in a bid to reduce the access terrorists have to items that can cause harm. To show the importance of this commitment to avoiding a biological or chemical attack, there is legislation in place that allows anyone who tries to make or distribute these types of weapons to be tried under the raft of anti-terror laws that are currently in place.
Other ways that the British government works to avoid chemical attack and biological warfare is to ensure tight control around imports and exports as well as active surveillance of anyone that is at risk of being radicalised or is suspected to be a terrorist. Looking for some chemical terror attack examples? Check out some of the possibilities below:
In reality, the British authorities can’t be in every place at once and there are many would-be terrorists that are not currently on their radars, which makes the threat of chemicals distasteful so frightening. Rather than waiting to become part of one of the top deadly terror attacks ever, it is wise to start prepping now so that when the SHTF, you are ready to react in a way that keeps you and your loved ones safe.
As a British prepper, it is important to be aware of all types of SHTF terror threats, including those of a radiological attack. Radioactive contamination, or a dirty bomb, is one of the most horrific types of attack around as it requires the collection of radioactive material that is then packed inside an exploding device that explodes and contaminates an area and all the people in it. Many terrorists combine other items in a dirty bomb to cause the most harm, leaving people to die in pain and ensuring they suffer as much as possible.
If you are keen to be aware of the signs of radioactive contamination then check out our list below:
Preparing for a SHTF event such as a terrorist attack is essential to your survival, but it is also important to think about what the attack or chemical disaster could look like so that you are able to prepare adequately.
The first thing that you should remember is that terrorist attacks are usually targeted at one specific area rather than the entire country in one go. This means whether you live in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, there is a chance that you could become a victim of the attack.
Once the chemical disaster or violent attack has taken place, the economy of England and the other three nations would be impacted, with people and businesses entering into panic mode and working to stay safe. In addition, the government would increase the threat level to critical as people work to discover whether another attack could take place.
Emergency services would also be put on high alert across the country, with all staff and reservists required to report for duty and support areas that have been victim to the attacks. Many civilians would find themselves questioning what to do in a terror attack and start trying to formulate a plan to keep themselves and their loved ones safe (unless you are a prepper and you are already good to go!).
The type of panic that a terror attack would create could lead to runs on banks and shops as people try to scramble everything they need together to be able to survive. Sadly, this type of behaviour could result in them becoming a target of another attack as the shops and banks would be busier than ever.
Finally, there would be a lot of international interest from both allies and enemies as the world waits for a terrorist organisation to take credit for the attack. This would see a huge increase in social media usage with opinions from both sides of the issue bubbling over and causing threats and hate speech to be shared during the chaos. As a prepper, it is essential that you are ready to move or bug in during a terrorist attack so avoiding getting involved in the situation as it develops is vital to your safety.
One thing that every prepper will want to know more than what to do in terror attack, is what scenarios should they look out for that could result in a terrorist attack. As terrorists are so incredibly secretive and are happy to wait many years to bring their plots to light, it can be difficult to specify exact scenarios that could be the catalyst they are looking for. However, there are some things that may happen that could encourage them to act, including:
Sadly, in most SHTF terrorist attacks, there are very few signs that it is going to happen. This is a deliberate attempt by the terrorists to go unnoticed for as long as possible so that they can cause maximum damage. However, there are some things that you can look for when you are out and about if you are worried about a terror attack taking place:
As a prepper, you are likely to be aware of your surroundings and able to tell when something just isn’t right. Don’t ignore your gut instincts but also try not to panic; instead, get your survival guide out and get to work.
Having a survival guide and survival tips to help you prepare for a terrorist attack not only enables you to get everything together that you will need but also helps to provide you with information you may not have considered. To help you get ready, we’ve shared our advice on how you should prepare for a terrorist attack:
The idea of a terrorist attack is frightening to many people, including the prepper population. To help you get to grips with what may go on, we’ve shared some of the things that are likely to happen during an attack:
Every terror attack documentary ever shown tells you that coming face to face with a terrorist is possibly the most dangerous hazard that you can encounter during a terrorist attack. However, there are a number of other hazards that can happen as a result of the attack, including:
If you find yourself in the midst of a terrorist attack, there are some simple things that you must avoid doing wherever possible. Firstly, do not attempt to engage the terrorists or talk them down; they will be armed, potentially have explosives on them and will be willing to die for what they believe in – all of this means bad news for you.
It’s also important to never run towards the devastation in the hope of finding survivors or fighting back as many attacks have secondary plans in place to injure those that do. Remember, there will be well-trained emergency response services on their way to help and get any survivors the help they need.
If a terrorist attack has happened near you, there will be a range of emergency services on the scene very quickly. It is important that you follow the instructions of these services and stay away from any areas that they say are out of bounds. Failing to follow these instructions could result in arrest or even injury if you are mistaken for one of the terrorists.
Finally, steer clear of sharing what has happened with mainstream media channels as they often cause panic and fear across the country. Instead, share your intel via your trusted prepper network so that you can ensure that the right information reaches the right people.
Whether you’ve watched a terror attack documentary or have first-hand experience of being near a terrorist attack, you will know that the element of surprise is the most important part of the attack. This can make it hard to know what to prepare – however, there are some things that you can do in your own home to get it ready for an attack:
What to know which items you need to have on hand should a terrorist attack take place? We’ve got you covered with this handy list:
Living through a terrorist attack may seem impossible, but many people do live to tell the tale. Follow our tips to help you survive:
As a terrorist attack is generally a surprise event, it can be difficult to know whether to bug in or bug out. With this in mind, we would advise you to have both a bug in and bug out location ready to use so that you have options that you can choose from when the attack happens. Terror attacks don’t happen in small neighbourhoods, they generally take place in public so you shouldn’t really have to bug out unless you live in a large city.
If the attack isn’t near your location, then bugging in is probably the best idea as you will have access to all your belongings, energy and water. It is also a good idea when you have locked ones as everyone will know where to convene should the worst happen. If choosing to bug in, stay vigilant and keep up to date with the news so that you know what is happening and whether the threat is moving towards you.
If the attack is in your area, then bugging out may be the better decision, especially if you have a survival shelter that is away from densely populated areas. Remember that your bug out plan will need to factor in your transport so that you can get there safely. In a terrorist attack, public transport will unlikely be running, so securing your own method of transport and having it prepped and ready to go is important.
In reality, the decision to bug in or bug out will need to be taken once you have access to all the facts of the terrorist attack that is taking place. So, make sure you stay in touch with your comms network and keep your plans updated and reviewed.
The point of a terrorist attack is to spread fear and worry, stopping you from resuming normal life and making you scared to carry on as normal. This means that for many people, recovering from a terrorist attack with take a lot of time and sadly never let them feel the ease that they felt before the attack happened.
As an attack unfolds, there will be panic, increased security and lots of surveillance in place to try and look out for clues about the attackers as well as being vigilant about further attacks. The issue with increased surveillance is that it can also be a threat to our normal way of life, leaving innocent people feeling concerned that they will be targeted or scapegoated.
In relation to the economic impact, there will be a lot of money needed to restore the damage that has taken place and money to cover the increased security and surveillance. This all takes time to put into place, making it harder for people to get back to normal after the attack has ended.
Businesses often report problems with sales after a terror event too as people are too scared to venture out, worried that it may happen again. While we know that the only way to challenge terrorists is to live well and normally, the impact of a terrorist attack has far-reaching consequences that will last a lifetime.
Sometimes the best way to learn about terrorism is to watch documentaries and movies that have been made about them. We’ve shared our top three choices so that you can start viewing them right away!
United 93 (2006) – this docudrama/thriller works to tell the story of what happened on the United 93 flight that was hijacked by terrorists. It retells how the hijackers may have behaved and the plans to overcome them and regain control by passengers before the plane crashed far from its intended target, killing everyone that was onboard. The film was made with the permission of many of the families who lost loved ones on United 93.
The Year London Blew Up: 1974 (2005) – this document-drama is all about IRA attacks in Britain in the seventies. The storyline comes from the book ‘Timebomb’ and shows how the police worked to try and find members of the IRA while under attack. It also provides you with facts and details about the attacks as well as uses some of the footage from them to help explain exactly what happened. It’s really powerful viewing.
Munich (2005) – this film was directed and produced by Steven Spielberg and tells the story of the terror attacks on the 1972 summer Olympics. The group Black September were responsible for the attacks and killed 11 people – all of whom were on the Israeli team. The movie was dedicated to those killed in the attacks and was a well-received depiction of what happened.
British Prepper is dedicated to bringing you the most useful information on a wide variety of prepper, survivalist and bushcraft related topics. We really hope that a major SHTF situation never strikes the United Kingdom, but as the old saying goes, failing to prepare is preparing to fail - so always be prepared!