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  • Should UK Preppers Invest In A Portable Generator?

    Should UK Preppers Invest In A Portable Generator?0

    Whenever there’s a natural disaster, or something seriously disrupts the state of play of the normal world, portable generators are brought out to help those in need. Whether hurricanes have taken out pylons, tsunamis destroyed reservoirs, or even volcanoes creating toxic ash in the air, you can always rely on a portable petrol generator to

  • How To Set Up A Wind Turbine

    How To Set Up A Wind Turbine0

    Getting to grips with wind power is a skill we highly recommend for a huge number of reasons. In any disaster film, the first thing to go down is the electrical grid – and once this goes, everything is compromised. Fortunately, with the utilisation of wind power, you’re able to get things up and running

  • How To Store Fuel Long Term For SHTF

    How To Store Fuel Long Term For SHTF0

    Like electricity, fuel is an absolute necessity in the modern world – and in a SHTF scenario, it’s the same, but to a much greater extent. From powering your cars, generators, cooking equipment and other essential equipment, you can’t afford to let it go to waste. Regular petrol lasts between three and six months, and

  • How To Siphon Fuel From A Car

    How To Siphon Fuel From A Car0

    If you find yourself running out of fuel quickly either on the way to your bug out location or simply just trying to get out of populated areas, and you have forgotten to take care of this element in your preps by storing fuel, then you will have to know how to siphon fuel from