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  • Different Methods Of Animal Trapping For Survival

    Different Methods Of Animal Trapping For Survival0

    Animal trapping refers to the process in which a wild animal is trapped in a device that is laid down for the purpose of food, fur, or pest control. This process is useful for preppers as trapping for survival provides a way in which you can find a source of food without actively having to

  • Do Preppers Need A Satellite Phone?

    Do Preppers Need A Satellite Phone?0

    Satellite phones have evolved into small devices almost the same size as a regular mobile phone, but offer so much more in terms of usability in a survival setting. Preppers would be worthwhile researching now to find the best satellite GPS for them, and this article will help you do that by looking at the

  • How To Make Your Own Survival Bow Drill

    How To Make Your Own Survival Bow Drill0

    A bow drill is a tool that is engineered to help the fire lighting process. It is straightforward to put together but does take quite a bit of practice to perfect. Spending time working on the technique is encouraged for all preppers as it is possible to start a fire with this even when tinder

  • Best British Woods For Carving

    Best British Woods For Carving0

    Britain is home to a variety of different woods, either as native trees or species that have been brought here from other parts of the world. Wood itself can be split into two categories – hard wood and soft wood. Hard wood is considered dense and easy to maintain, yet it can be difficult to

  • How To Cross Rivers & Streams Safely

    How To Cross Rivers & Streams Safely0

    If you decide to, or if you’re forced to, bug out to a wild location in the UK, you may have to stay on the move to avoid potential threats. Sooner or later, you’ll likely have to cross rivers and streams that may end up being very dangerous. You might not think that shallow streams

  • Why Preppers Need A Wind-Up Radio

    Why Preppers Need A Wind-Up Radio0

    Wind-up radios are the kind of device that every survival savvy prepper should have whether you plan to bug out or bug in. They can be used in a range of emergency situations, from a power outage to something far more serious. This is because the power is generated for them manually, which means you

  • Which UK Animals Can Be Trapped For Food?

    Which UK Animals Can Be Trapped For Food?0

    Both the British countryside and cities are home to an array of different animals, many of which can be a source of food to preppers when trapping for survival becomes the norm.  Although it is currently illegal to trap some of these animals in the UK, this is likely to no longer be the case

  • How To Make A Featherstick

    How To Make A Featherstick0

    Fire is key to survival for all preppers. Whether they are to provide light, heat or a way to prepare food for survival, they are essential. However, starting a fire can be challenging when the wet British weather makes sourcing dry wood challenging. Luckily, feathersticks can be used in these circumstances. In this article we

  • Is Animal Trapping For Survival Humane?

    Is Animal Trapping For Survival Humane?0

    Preppers can agree that a key element to survival is finding a nutritious and energy-rich source of food. One way to do this is by trapping small animals found in the UK like rabbits and squirrels, or larger prey like deer.  However, there is the argument that this is not humane, but what do preppers